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The resolutions were in relation to, inter alia, the acquisition of Rodeo Development Ltd. (open, save, copy) Within a few years, he too moved north, inter alia to Dresden, Munich, Vienna and Warsaw. Context sentences for "inter alia" in Danish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content. English Ultimately, we have very difficult procedures behind us, involving Mr Gayssot, inter alia .
Examples of using Alia in a sentence and their translations. {-}. Click {-} to exclude some The bill of discharge shall contain inter alia the following particulars. Example sentences with "Säkerheten framför allt! (ibland ironiskt en Pursue dialogue on migration, mobility and security with a view, inter alia, with a view to:. Swedish to English: more detail bland annat: Wiktionary: bland annat → inter alia; User Contributed Translations for bland annat: among other things, among Satsadverbial 3 - Sentence adverbials - engelska. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with among other things (inter alia).
By early evening on Tuesday, I prefer the first sentence. Inter alia is set off by commas and can modify either based or on.
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A remarkable &c, expedition by Baron Toll in 1892 through the regions watered by the Lena, resulted in the collection of In 1311 the king was forced to agree to the election of the "ordainers," and the ordinances they drew up provided inter This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Inter alia means "among other things" and et al. (et alia) "and others," so there seems to be a confusion between the two in that sentence. If the sentence is to mean that Drs. Sikirov, Taylor and other researchers , then "et al." is the correct form: Inter alia means 'amongst other things' and Quantum means 'amount'.
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among other things: . Learn more. A remarkable &c, expedition by Baron Toll in 1892 through the regions watered by the Lena, resulted in the collection of In 1311 the king was forced to agree to the election of the "ordainers," and the ordinances they drew up provided inter This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Inter alia means "among other things" and et al.
However, both sentences are possible. It is a long
High quality example sentences with “including inter alia” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in
Examples of Inter alia in a sentence.
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The attorney said, inter alia, that his client was not guilty because of lack of motive. 🔊. Ben loves all sweets, but his favorite, inter alia, is chocolate cake.
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Inter Alia meaning; Inter Alia legal definition; Inter Alia in a sentence; Inter Alia 29 Mar 2017 Here's a sentence using inter alia (I googled it): The study includes, inter alia, computers, aircraft, and pharmaceuticals. The English phrase can inter alia Add to list Share. Inter alia is a Latin phrase that means "among other things." So your grocery list may include bread, milk, and cereal, inter alia.
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Perfectly correct Latin sentence usually reported as funny by modern Italians because the same exact words, inter alia (i.a.), am 22 Nov 2010 It would be used in a sentence such as "The cause is, inter alia, rain, snow, I wonder if there is a difference between "inter alia" and "vel sim. Phrases, Idioms & A. prep. inter alia /adverb/ প্রসঙ্গত; অন্যান্যের মধ্যে inter alia Sentences in English. अन्य विषयों में = manner.