1 CRUST: Oceanic & Continental about 3 to 50 miles thick, plus


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mohorovicic discontinuity Interpretation Translation. 1 Mohorovicic-discontinuity < geo> Moho-Diskontinuität f Mohorovicic Discontinuity: Transition zone between the Crust and Mantle. Repiti Discontinuity: Transition zone between Outer mantle and Inner mantle. In respect to this, what is meant by Gutenberg discontinuity? The Gutenberg Discontinuity is a relatively low density (lower density) lower mantle with a relatively liquid (low density) outer core.

Mohorovicic discontinuity

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Sellevoll, M.A.: Mohorovicic discontinuity beneath Fennoscandia and adjacent parts of the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. Tectonophysics 20, 359–366  1 å. Peter Kiogora. Chemically formed sedimentary rocks. ·. Dela. · 1 å. Daktari Sifuna.


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Contents. 1 English. Mohorovicic Discontinuity Moho is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Mohorovicic Discontinuity Moho and others you may know.

Mohorovicic discontinuity

Mohorovičić diskontinuitet - Mohorovičić discontinuity - qaz.wiki

Mohorovicic discontinuity

Seismic- and satellite-derived (GOCE) crustal thickness. Detection of Moho (Mohorovicic) discontinuity.

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Mohorovicic discontinuity

The Mohorovicic discontinuity (the Moho) is the boundary lying between the crust and the mantle of the earth across which seismic waves change velocities. This boundary is located approximately 24 miles below the earth’s surface and 6 miles below the oceanic floor, a distance which varies from place to place. Mohorovičić discontinuity [ mō′hə-rō ′və-chĭch ] The boundary between the Earth's crust and mantle, located at an average depth of 8 km (5 mi) under the oceans and 32 km (20 mi) under the continents. The Mohorovicic Seismic Discontinuity- boundary between crust and mantle (or Moho) Mohorovičić discontinuity exists everywhere on the Earth.

It is located at different depths within the Earth's lithosphere.
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GEO: Mohorovicicin epäjatkuvuus - Finto

Syn: Moho Mohorovicic discontinuity Mohorovicic discontinuity, n. (Geol.) same as 2nd {Moho}. [PJC] The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and - DiVA

the boundary between the Earth's crust and the underlying mantle.