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195 rows The Human Development Index (HDI) is a number from 0 to 1 (higher is better) used to compare different countries. It is published by United Nations Development Programme. It is used to rank countries into different groups for example developed and developing countries. The Human Development Index uses different measurements of a population : The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic o life expectancy, eddication, an income indices tae rank kintras intae fower tiers o human development.
2018-05-30 · Human Development Index of Indian states and union territories 2018.png 3,816 × 4,512; 782 KB Inequality-adjusted human development index.svg 1,035 × 531; 1.47 MB IPM Provinsi di Indonesia 2017.png 1,322 × 620; 145 KB Human Development Index - HDI: The Human Development Index (HDI) was developed by the United Nations as a metric to assess the social and economic development levels of countries. Four principal Az emberi fejlettségi index (Human Development Index, rövidítése: HDI) egy mutatószám, amely a világ országainak összehasonlítását teszi lehetővé a születéskor várható élettartam, az írástudás, az oktatás és az életszínvonal alapján.
Kroatien – Wikipedia
Human (Oscar Zia) – en låt av Oscar Zia Det här är en förgreningssida , som består av en lista på olika betydelser hos artikelnamnet. Om du kom hit via en wikilänk i en annan artikel, gå gärna tillbaka dit och korrigera länken så att den pekar direkt på den sida som länken avser. Da Human Development Index, obkiazt HDI, is a Index vo da menschlichn Entwicklung in dena Stootn vo da Wejd.Da HDI wead seit 1990 im Human Development Report vom Entwicklungsprogramm vo de Vereinten Nationen (UNDP) vaeffentlicht, wo jeds Joar eascheint.
[1] World map representing the inequality-adjusted Human Development Index categories (based on 2018 data, published in 2019). 195 rows This article lists the Human Development Index by U.S. state, according to the UN. Data is also included for the U.S. territories.
Human Development Index. 52 rows
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education (literacy rate, gross enrollment ratio at different levels and net attendance ratio), and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. The 2010 Human Development Report—The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development—showed through a detailed new analysis of long-term Human Development Index (HDI) trends that most developing countries made dramatic yet often underestimated progress in health, education and basic living standards in recent decades, with many of the poorest countries posting the …
This is a list of the first-level administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China, including all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, in order of their Human Development Index, alongside the Republic of China.
Normativ deskriptiv forskning
The Human Development Index has been criticized on a number of grounds including alleged ideological biases towards egalitarianism and so-called "Western models of development", failure to include any ecological considerations, lack of consideration of technological development or contributions to the human civilization, focusing exclusively on national performance and ranking, lack of Human Development Index (HDI) är ett standardsätt att mäta välfärd som jämför förväntad medellivslängd, läskunnighet, utbildning och levnadsstandard för jordens länder. Det används för att särskilja om landet är ett industriland , ett utvecklingsland eller ett underutvecklat land , samt för att mäta den ekonomiska politikens effekt på livskvaliteten.
The human development concept was pioneered by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq. At the World Bank in the 1970s, and later as minister of finance, he argued that existing measures of human progress, such as the Gross Domestic Product, provides only a partial view of how people are faring. Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) atau Human Development Index (HDI) adalah pengukuran perbandingan dari harapan hidup, melek huruf, pendidikan dan standar hidup.IPM menjelaskan bagaimana penduduk dapat mengakses hasil pembangunan dalam memperoleh pendapatan, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan sebagainya. Human (Oscar Zia) – en låt av Oscar Zia Det här är en förgreningssida , som består av en lista på olika betydelser hos artikelnamnet.
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Andora – Wikipedia
This article lists the Human Development Index by U.S. state, according to the UN. Data is also included for the U.S. territories. It is not to be confused with the American Human Development Index. Se hela listan på de.wikipedia.org L'indice di sviluppo umano (ISU, in inglese: Human Development Index, HDI) è un indicatore di sviluppo macroeconomico elaborato nel 1990 dall'economista pakistano Mahbub ul Haq, seguito inizialmente anche dall'economista indiano Amartya Sen. È stato utilizzato, accanto al PIL (prodotto interno lordo), dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite a partire dal 1993 per valutare la qualità della The national average HDI for India in 2008 was 0.467.
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Pages in category "Human Development Index" The following 120 pages are in this category, out of 120 total. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). The Human Development Index (HDI) is a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education (literacy rate, gross enrollment ratio at different levels and net attendance ratio), and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.